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Writer's pictureSimcha

Why We Left Everything Behind to Travel

Carla and I have been traveling throughout Portugal and Spain for a little over a month now and sharing our journey along the way. We love our travels - the places we see, the people we meet, and the adventures we encounter. It’s been magical . . . and that feels like an understatement.

We also enjoy sharing our journey. It's been a truly delightful part of this trip. It really does feel like we’re bringing our family and friends (and hopefully others out there who share the same passion and excitement for travel and adventure) along with us. And that feels good! Thanks to all of you for joining us - reading our blog, following us on Facebook and Instagram, and checking out all the photos on our website gallery page. We are grateful you are with us.

At this point in our journey, we thought it might be helpful to others who are thinking about either taking a big trip or even expatriating to another country, to share our experiences, feelings, and thought processes that led us to this point. That, in and of itself, is quite the journey.

Carla and I would have taken this trip before now had it not been for covid. I know we are not the only ones to have altered our plans in the past 3 years. The adjustment gave us more time to understand how deeply our urge to travel had penetrated our beings and how important it felt to us at this point in our lives. What we are doing is not for everyone - we certainly understand that . . . but somehow it suits us beautifully, even as it is a bit crazy and unconventional.

We have written on our website a general take of what we’re doing in our travels, but in case you haven’t yet made it there, I will recap . . .

A month ago, we began our three-month journey through Europe. As we like to describe it - we are both homeless and citizens of the world. That probably sounds complicated and confusing, but to us it feels fantastic – we feel a sense of freedom that fills us with joy. We have left our home in Asheville, NC – after having given away and sold pretty much everything - and what we have with us is mostly all that we own now. Wherever we go, for as long as we are there, that will be our home.

Our first month was spent in Portugal, we are now in Spain, and later in November we will journey into France.

When Carla and I travel abroad, we tend towards slow travel. We like to take our time and truly “live into” the places we are visiting. Yes, we love seeing amazing sites - architectural structures, ruins, and museums, but to us, the equally amazing visual and cultural experience is the town and its people . . . just being amidst the people and their culture as we walk and explore the streets.

We have also been asked by quite a few of you . . . “if you sold everything and have left your home, what’s the endgame?” And that is both a fair and excellent question. Our honest answer is that we are very open (in fact very hopeful) that in time we will relocate to somewhere in Europe. We love Spain and that is our likely landing spot. We feel very connected to the European culture and way of life and really enjoy and appreciate the opportunity to experience a different approach to living . . . even learning a new language feels exciting to us.

Of course, we miss our friends and families - especially our kids and grandkids - and we will no doubt miss them if we expatriate. They will forever keep our hearts wide open. However, we also believe that we are creating opportunities for those who are close to us . . . after all, if you have a place to stay with people who are excited about travel and adventure, what’s then keeping you from making the journey?

In our culture, we have come to associate missing people as a negative feeling. Instead, I think we humans have a wonderful capacity to tolerate a paradox. We can simultaneously live our lives fully, enjoy the day-to-day aspects of our lives, be very happy, and still miss people. One does not preclude the other from happening. To me, missing people simply means they are very much alive in our hearts. It’s different than a breakup, or someone passing . . . they are still very present in our lives, just not always by physical proximity.

Even if we live abroad, we plan to come back to the states for yearly visits spanning one to two months at a time. We are hoping that those visits will be more focused and meaningful (trying to maximize our time together) than if we lived in the same town and took our proximity to each other for granted.

We really are falling in love every day . . . both with the new and beautiful places we encounter, and with each other. And that is what we love best about our travels . . . it keeps our hearts wide open. And for us, that is rocket fuel not just for this journey, but for our life’s journey.

I will leave you with a quote from Anthony Bourdain that more succinctly and articulately expresses what I’m trying to say . . .

“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you. It leaves marks on your memory, on your consciousness, on your heart, and on your body. You take something with you. Hopefully, you leave something good behind.”
– Anthony Bourdain
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Oct 29, 2022

I have a very close relative who moved out of the area and I’ve been sad so I appreciate your perspective. I needed to hear that. Thank you Simcha! I’m so excited for you and Carla!

Oct 29, 2022
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Thank you Monica. I'm glad our perspective is helpful. I hope your relative is moving on to something that brings them joy. What I'm learning from this trip is that missing someone is actually how we connect with them when we are not in the same physical space. It often feels hard or sad, but I'm realizing that those feelings are there because of how much we love and care about someone. That's the good news of missing people . . . they are in our hearts and touch us deeply, in the first place. I hope you are enjoying the Autumn season, Monica!


Mary Farmer
Mary Farmer
Oct 25, 2022

Adventure on! It’s a marvelous endeavor. We miss you and we get it. Xoxox

Oct 26, 2022
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Thank you Mary! And we miss you and Michael as well. I hope things are moving along nicely for you both and you're enjoying what looks to be a gorgeous Autumn season.



Oct 24, 2022


You and Carla have a great outlook on life and it’s really inspiring to feel a part of it!!

Cheers to the Day!!🍺

Oct 25, 2022
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Thank you Joe. I'm glad it lands that way with you. I really appreciate you sharing that. I loved following your trip . . . what an experience, and so visually and culturally different. I learned so much. Your trip inspired me to want to visit Asia.


Barbara A. Lesch
Barbara A. Lesch
Oct 24, 2022

I love hearing about your adventures. We have ex pat friends living in Madrid who never plan to return to the US. If you want a contact in Madrid let me know. They have been in Spain for many years now.

Oct 25, 2022
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Hi Barbara . . . and so glad that you're enjoying our adventures. We will actually wrap up our trip in mid December with a week's stay in Madrid, as we fly home from there. We would love to at least reach out to your friends, if they wouldn't mind. I'd love to hear about their experience. Thank you so much for that offer. I will email you directly for their contact information, if that is OK.


Oct 24, 2022

Beautifully written! But will you be able to follow UNC bball?😉

Oct 24, 2022
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Thank you . . . and of course I can still follow UNC hoops, especially this season. I certainly won't let a 6 hour time difference get in the way. 😊

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